World Suicide Prevention Day
You are needed. Yes, you. And yes, I really mean it. You are special. You are valued. You are here because you have great things to do in this life and you are not finished yet. Whatever you may be feeling and whatever you may be going through, I am so sorry for your pain and I am here with you. It is okay not to be okay, and it is okay to lean on someone. If you feel you don’t know anyone to lean on, then lean on me. DM me and I will be here for you. You can and will get through this. You are too beautiful of a soul and the world needs your spirit. And yes, one person does matter, because the universe is made up of all kinds of one persons. So, see? You are part of the very fabric of the universe and what makes it so special! Eventually, one of these tomorrows will be better. And that tomorrow will be here soon.
And a message to everyone ~ check up on each other often. Be willing and wanting to lend an ear and provide a soft place to land. Let’s make it known that we all matter to one another, and help everyone to feel and know that they are held and supported.