A Sincere Reflection...
I feel as though something in me has broken open.I don’t know if it’s my body beginning to heal, my sparkle coming back, an invitation from God to expand my perspective, or all of the above, but whatever it is, I can feel myself breaking open.
And it is invigorating.
This week, I found myself at the beach a lot. As I strolled up and down my little section of the shore, I listened to the sounds of the ocean.
I watched how the waves danced along the sand. I followed the birds as they glided inches above the water, looking for fish. I looked out to the sky and the clouds and the horizon ~ and somehow, it looked much bigger to me than ever before.
I’ve walked this beach many times before, but the expansiveness had never felt so profound.
And all at once, I was filled with peace, patience, goodness, purpose, wonder... An assurance of my journey and a rush of faith now felt like a strong river flowing right through my heart.
And I became still. And submissive. And trustworthy.
I breathed it in, and it sort of felt like something in me had just... released.
After feeling so strange and almost flat for so long, once again, my insides filled with wonder. Life began to feel open and wild and full of opportunities again.
Living with an open and spiritual heart has always been important to me, and I so check in with myself often to see if I’m where I belong.
And for the longest time, I felt different... sort of flat and closed off. But I never stopped praying and visualizing and setting my intentions to become open once more.
And now, a door has swung open, and I am walking through it. I feel connected. I feel stronger. I feel light. And it feels so. good.
And with this, I say to you:
Do not lose hope. Keep setting intentions. Meditate. Pray.
Do whatever it is you do to keep your connection...and keep your perspective beyond just your own little world. It’s okay to fall into seasons where we retreat inward, but don’t get stuck there.
When we refocus our energy upward and outward, as opposed to downward and inward, that’s where the doors open.
That’s where resonance happens. That’s where the magic lies.