Christian Lamitschka
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Do you write the songs yourself? If not, how do you go about finding the songs for your CD?
- I write most of my songs based off of personal experiences, and it is fun for me to create those songs because they come from my soul. When I am writing a song, I feel that I am pouring my heart out onto a piece of paper. On the album I am working on right now, there are only a few songs that are not written or co-written by me. I haven’t had much of a chance to accept outside songs, but I know that I need to make sure that I can relate to that song, and that it is a song I connect to, rather than just another song to sing.
Your current single is being played by radio. What do you feel is special about this song that makes people want to hear it?
- I was sitting in my living room with my producer, Joe Vulpis, and we were bouncing back and forth new ideas for songs – I would share an idea, he would share an idea – and he played me this one song on the piano, and as the song progressed, I fell in love with it. For me, “I Love You That Much” is about dreaming of loving someone that much, while for someone else, it is about how they do love someone that much. That is what makes the song so special and universal; how ever old you are, you can relate to this song.
What inspired you to become an artist?
- Ever since I new what entertainment and performing was, I was in love with it. It has always been a part of me; I would stand up on my coffee table at home, dressed in a poodle skirt, and sing along with Sandy to “Summer Nights” from Grease. I would sing everywhere I’d go, and play the piano gently before I knew what the notes were. When I was six years old, I participated in my first ever musical theater production, and I fell in love with it. From then on, I knew that this was what I wanted to do.
Who inspires you musically and how deep do your musical roots run?
- I draw my inspiration from so many different artists. I grew up listening to “older time” country artists like Patsy Cline, George Strait, Loretta Lynn, Marty Robbins, Gene Autry, the list goes on and on. Those songs and artists have soaked into my soul from a very young age. Some of my inspirations from the current generations are Eva Cassidy, Faith Hill, Kelly Clarkson, Leona Lewis, and Carrie Underwood.
What drives you?
- As I mentioned earlier, music has always been a part of me. My love for what I do is one of the things that drives me. One of my main goals in life is to use this gift of mine to inspire others- for my music to touch the lives and the hearts of others, and to be a role model. I want to make the world a better place. There is an old saying, “Your talent is God’s gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.” (Leo Buscaglia) My thinking is: I am blessed with this gift of music, and I have the opportunity to change lives because of it. That is truly what drives me.
When you get time off, how do you like to relax?
- I love spending time with my parents; they are my best friends! We do a lot of outdoor activities such as boating, hiking, biking, just spending time with each other. I like to play basketball and tennis, as well. I am a dancer, too, and dancing is definitely one of my favorite things to do. Also, when I’m free, I see my friends, which is always fun.
What can your fans expect to see when they see you in concert?
- When people come to my live show, they should expect to have a great time! There is a little bit of everything- singing, dancing, audience participation; I always make sure the crowd is having a good time.
What’s the best compliment a fan has ever given you?
- I get messages almost every day on my websites from people who tell me that I have inspired them, or my music has had an impact on their lives. That is one of the most rewarding statements I could ever receive. It means the world to me that I am able to brighten days and have an impact on people.
Is there any place you haven’t played that you would like to?
- I would love to play at the Grand Ole Opry. So many legends have shared their talent on that stage, and to one day be a part of that place would be an honor.
When you’re on tour, do you have time to play tourist?
- One of my favorite things about performing different places is that sometimes I do get to play tourist. I love exploring the town/city that I am in.
Christian Lamitschka ( [email protected] )
Posted in: Interview in English
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