NCEA (National Catholic Educational Association) Annual Conference & Expo
Wednesday, April 19 | 2:45 - 3:00 pm | NCEA Talk
I am proud to be a speaker in the first ever "NCEA Talk" lineup.
I will share my experiences and observations about students and faculty, based on my National Bully Prevention School Assembly Tour of over 350 elementary and middle schools around the country. And, I will talk about my new Bully Prevention Video Package directed towards students, that is free for schools, and how it helps with Bully Awareness and Prevention.
I hope you will come to my talk.
NCEA (National Catholic Educational Association) Convention & Expo
America's Center, St. Louis, MO
To register for this event go to: http://ncea.org/NCEA2017
Directions: Google Map
Venue Website: https://explorestlouis.com/meetings-conventions/americas-center/
- Age Restrictions